Here you'll find a list of upcoming events which Experian are either hosting, sponsoring, attending or speaking at.

February 2019


28 February 2019 - 01 March 2019 - Prague

Empowering the Growth - Innovation Summit 2019

Our first CEE Experian Innovation Summit is a two-day event which aims to provide practical examples of how to use data and technology as a driving force for growth and innovation.

Agenda is available here, the event is by invitation only.

Past events

15 November 2018 - 16 November 2018 - Hamburg

19th German Fraud Round Table

Identity Management and Data theft – what are the emerging opportunities and challenges offered by the digital transformation?

12 November 2018 - Vienna

9th Austrian Fraud Round Table

Fraud prevention and advanced analytics: how to get advantage from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the fight against fraud?

08 November 2018 - Vienna

Cyber Crime Business Breakfast Meeting

Cyber Crime: the reasons behind the need of a new approach in the fraud prevention; what risk arises when the "digital identity" is stolen?

Click here if you would like to receive more info about this event

31 October 2018 - Bucharest

Banking Compliance Summit

How Regulation and Risk Management changed after 10 years of the economic crisis. To meet the supervisors’ expectations it’s crucial to have an agile IT system and an efficient data management process.

Click here if you would like to receive more info about this event

27 September 2018 - Vienna

Executive Client Council

What are the challenges and the opportunities in the future: regulation, customer centricity, digitization, SME strategies?.

Click below to get more insight about

Emerging challenges and opportunities in SMEs Market

Digital Transformation

06 June 2018 - Bucharest

The challenge of NPLs. How to re-design the credit life cycle

Non performing loans' management: comparing the actual situation in Romania to the rest of Europe.

Click here for more info.

26 April 2018 - Frankfurt

18th German Fraud Round Table

How to leverage biometric analysis and PSD2 to manage the fraud prevention process

Click here for more info.

20 March 2018 - Sofia

The challenge of NPLs. How to re-design the credit life cycle

Non performing loans' management: comparing the actual situation in Bulgaria to the rest of Europe. Click here for more info.